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Principal Bulletin Action RequiredDeadline: September 2, 2022

2022-23 Back to School Night & Open House
All Grades

Back to School

All schools should begin to schedule and prepare for their Back to School Night. Back to School Night should be held between September 6th and September 29th.

Open House

Open House should be held between April 18th and May 4th (not Spring Break is April 3rd through 7th).


For both events, please use the following schedule:

Principal Bulletin Action RequiredDeadline: December 23, 2022

The SPSA Mid-year Review is due on December 23, 2022
All Grades

Please remember to complete your 2022-23 SPSA Mid-Year Review by December 23, 2022. You can find the Mid-year Review form in DTS under the title, 2022-23 SPSA Mid-Year Review.

For additional support and information about how to identify high-leverage strategies/activities please see the attached documents.
If you have questions please email Kelley Odipo at

If you need additional support please click on the following link to review our SPSA office hours dates and times.