Search: 0, Family & Community, 2024

Results 51 - 60 of 63


Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee

During the March 2020 election, Sacramento City USD voters approved Measure H, the District’s $750 million bond proposal, to provide safe, environmentally adaptable, modern schools and playfields through an equitable framework. Pleas ...

Overview - - 0 comments

How to Fill out the Annual Update Form

in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal (Pod, Family Communications) ...

Pod - - 0 comments

August 7, 2024 CBOC Meeting

Agenda Agenda Packet Minutes Forthcoming February 21, 2024 CBOC Meeting Agenda February 21, 2024 CBOC Meetin ...

District Event - - 0 comments - Archived

Measures Q&R

(Overview, Measures Q&R) ...

Overview - - 0 comments

February 7, 2024 CBOC Meeting – CANCELED

February 7, 2024 CBOC Meeting Agenda - CANCELED February 7, 2024 CBOC Meeting Materials - CANCELED ...

District Event - - 0 comments - Archived

Measure H

(Overview, Measure H) ...

Overview - - 0 comments

February 21, 2024 CBOC Meeting

February 21, 2024 CBOC Meeting Minutes February 21, 2024 CBOC Meeting Agenda February 21, 2024 CBOC ...

District Event - - 0 comments - Archived

Contact Constituent Services

(Pod, Constituent Services Office) ...

Pod - - 0 comments

Smart Snacks Requirements

Want to know if your commercially prepared nutritionals meet the required Smart Snacks Requirements to be served or sold to students?  Enter the nutritional information in this handy tool and print out the results for your records ...

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District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)
MD Rohul Amin Bhuiyan, DELAC President

2024-2025 All DELAC Meetings will be in person at : Location:  Serna Center ( South Carolina Room )               &n ...

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