Search: 0, Student Support

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Community Resource List

Download the Community Resource List (Pod, Student Support) ...

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Emergency Medications and Equipment Below is an important public health message about the dangers of opioid use impacting our community.  Sacramento County has experienced ...

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Download and read Frequently Asked Questions about the Pregnant and Parenting Students program (Pod, Pregnant & Parenting Students) ...

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Emergency Medications and Equipment

(Overview, Emergency Medications and Equipment) ...

Overview - - 0 comments

From California Department of Public Health (Pod, Immunization) ...

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Get Your Flu Shot! Sacramento Area Community Free Flu Shot Clinics

This flu season is extremely important that families get vaccinated against the flu particularly since we are still working to reduce the spread of COVID-19.  Sacramento City Unified School District’s Health Services Department&nb ...

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COVID-19 Reporting and Illness Procedures for Staff and Students During the Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic new public health precautions have been established to prevent potentially infectious persons from coming to school and work sites.   More strict that usual, if you have symptoms of illness s ...

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Mental Health and Substance Use Support

A free community resource for our »ÆÉ«ÊÓƵ staff, students and families When you need mental health or substance use support, it can be frustrating trying to find a provider accepti ...

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Care Solace

Mental Health and Substance Use Support A free community resource for our »ÆÉ«ÊÓƵ staff, students and families When you need mental health or substance use support, it can ...

Overview - - 0 comments

September is Suicide Prevention Month!

September is National Suicide Prevention Month, a time for us all to pause and reflect on how we can each #BeThe1To prevent death by suicide and save lives. Know the Facts Unlike other leading causes of death, suicide is co ...

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