Search: 0, State and Federal Programs

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School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)

(Pod, State and Federal Programs) ...

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School Site Council

California Education Code 52852 requires that a school site council shall be established at each school that participates in Title I or LCFF supplemental/concentration grant funding.   The school site council shall be composed of the ...

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Form Directory

Search our online database (Pod, Curriculum Documents, Legal Documents, Student Hearing and Placement Department Documents, Transportation Services Documents, Payroll Forms, Budget S ...

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Year 2

2022-2023 Plans Budget Reports Quarterly  End of Year (Post, Early Literacy Support Block Grant) ...

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Year 1

2021-2022 Plans (Board Approved on 09/02/2021) A.M. Winn ELSB Action Plan Ethel I. Baker ELSB Action Plan John D. Sloat ELSB Acti ...

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Kelley Odipo

Director, State and Federal Programs blob. blob. ...

District Staff - - 0 comments

Early Literacy Support Block (ELSB) Grant

Overview Section 113 of the Education Omnibus Trailer Bill (Senate Bill 98) for the 2020-21 California State Budget appropriated $80 million to establish the Early Literacy Support Block (ELSB) Grant Program. The ELSB Grant Progra ...

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Year 3

2023-2024 Plans Budget Reports Quarterly  End of Year (Post, Early Literacy Support Block Grant) ...

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Time Accounting Directions

Personnel Activity Reports (PAR) Technical Assistance Powerpoint Directions for Completing Your PAR Forms and Information K12 Signature Page Time Accounting G ...

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Federal Time Accounting Procedures

Federal law requires that all employees funded with federal grant funds provide verification of their time worked in the federal program. Documentation is required to ensure that the district is properly charging salaries and wages that a ...

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