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Results 1061 - 1070 of 1763


Budget Services Documents

(Overview, Budget Services Documents) ...

Overview - - 0 comments

California Public Records Act (Government Code section 6250-6270)

(Post, Public Records Act Requests) ...

Post - - 0 comments

Progress Notice for Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Download English notice Download Spanish notice Download Chinese notice ...

Form - - 0 comments

Progress Notice for 6th Grade

Download English notice Download Spanish notice Download Chinese notice ...

Form - - 0 comments

Catastrophic Leave Forms

Human Resource Services will negotiate a Catastrophic Leave Memorandum of Understanding followed by donation requests to be processed. PSL-F207 SEIU Catastrophic Leave Request PSL-F208 SEIU Donation F ...

Post - - 0 comments

Exempt Employees

Reporting of Time Employees that meet exemption requirements for executive, administrative, or professional occupations are exempt from overtime pay provisions under the Fair L ...

Post - - 0 comments

California’s Learning to Teach System

A Visual Representation of Professional Credential Preparation Learning to Teach System (Pod, In ...

Pod - - 0 comments

Public Records Act (PRA) Request Log Sheet

LS-F004 For Legal Services Department internal use only. (ISO Form, Legal Documents) ...

ISO Form - - 0 comments

Subpoena and Summons Log

LS-F005 For Legal Services Department internal use only. (ISO Form, Legal Documents) ...

ISO Form - - 0 comments

Human Resources

Welcome to our Sacramento City Unified School District Human Resources Web Site. Our team of dedicated certificated, classified, and support staff are committed to putting children first and improving the lives of our students. Our mission, ...

Overview - - 0 comments