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Results 621 - 630 of 1763


Superintendent’s Office

Phone: (916) 643-9010 Fax: (916) 399-2058 Box 703 (Department Quick Link, District ...

Department Quick Link - - 0 comments

Susan B. Anthony – Park Improvements (SHRA)

Bids Due: August 22, 2019 SHRA is soliciting sealed bids for this project. See attached IFB for details. Questions regarding this project should be directed to SHRA as indicat ...

Post - - 0 comments

Contracts Archives: 2010-2016

(Overview, Archives: 2010-2015) ...

Overview - - 0 comments

Disability Management

Keyshun Marshall Martine Kruger Amber Pena All work related injuries must ...

Overview - Keyshun Marshall - Martine Kruger - Amber Pena - - 0 comments

2018-19 Enrollment Report

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 ...

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Nutrition Services Cafeteria Food Distribution

RFP # 190603 The Sacramento City Unified School District is requesting bids from providers of Cafeteria Food Distribution for the District’s Nutrition program.  Bids ...

Bid announcement - - 0 comments

Nutrition Service Grocery Items – Direct Ship

RFP # 190602 Request for Proposal (RFP) # 190602 The Sacramento City Unified School District is requesting BIDs from providers of Grocery Products for the District’s ...

Bid announcement - - 0 comments

Nutrition Service Direct Paper & Packaging Products

RFP # 190601 Request for Proposal (RFP) # 190601 The Sacramento City Unified School District is requesting BIDs from providers of Paper & Packaging Products for t ...

Bid announcement - - 0 comments

Private Schools

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), also known Every Child Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides benefits to low-income students enrolled in non-profit, private or not-for-profit school sites.  Public school districts are required t ...

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Private Schools Equitable Services Documents

2019-2020 Forms needed  for nonprofit, private schools participating in ESEA Equitable Services program. ...

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