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C.K. McClatchy Auxiliary Gym Floor

C.K. McClatchy   Completion Date: April 8, 2015   Project Info:  Project Manager:  Lori Rubenstein ...

Bond Project - C.K. McClatchy - - 0 comments - Archived

Caroline Wenzel Paving Crack Fill & Seal Coat

Caroline Wenzel   Start Date:  June 12, 2015 Estimated Completion Date:  August 28, 2015   Project Info:  ...

Bond Project - Caroline Wenzel - - 0 comments - Archived

Construction Projects

The Planning & Construction Department is responsible for capital construction projects, Bond funded projects and state funded (modernization) projects for the Sacramento City Unified School District. (Overview, Construction Projects) ...

Overview - - 0 comments

Projects in Construction

(Pod, Completed Projects) ...

Pod - - 0 comments - Archived

Projects in Design

(Pod, Completed Projects) ...

Pod - - 0 comments - Archived

Change of Practice Notice – Budget Transfer

2018-19 No. BS-15 Download Document (Bulletin, Budget Services Bulletins) ...

Bulletin - - 0 comments

School of Engineering & Science CTEIG New Building

Bids Due: October 25, 2018 Prequalification applications are due by October 11, 2018 and must be approved by October 18, 2018. For instructions, see ...

Post - - 0 comments

Contracts Office

Home of Sacramento City Unified School District’s online professional services and construction bidding information. Click on the appropriate link on the left to go to that section. (Overview, Contracts Department) ...

Overview - - 0 comments

SEIU Donation Form for Catastrophic Leave

PSL-F208 Download (ISO Form, PSL - Forms, HR Forms/ Documents, ISO Directory) ...

ISO Form - - 0 comments

Find resources for your student and your family

Visit our Online Support Center (Pod, Student Hearing and Placement Department) ...

Pod - - 0 comments