Search: 0, 2021 Negotiations Archive

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2021 Negotiations Updates

... increase compensation to staff members by approximately 3.0% for the average staff-member making $75,000 in each of the 2022-2023, ...

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Visit Return Together Website (Pod, 2020 Negotiations Archive, 2021 Negotiations Archive, 2022 Negotiations Archive) ...

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2021 SCTA Successor Contract Negotiations

PERB Determination Finding SCTA’s Action Unlawful PERB found that SCTA failed to negotiate in good faith with the District over a successor contract for over a year and failed to respond to the District’s proposals which unreasonab ...

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2021 Negotiations Archive

(Overview, 2021 Negotiations Archive) ...

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Documents from July 1, 2018 – March 26, 2022

SCTA Contract 2016-2019 - All TAs Article 13.1.1 SCTA Collective Bargaining Agreement ...

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