Search: 20, Special Education

3 results


Procedures for Locating and Identifying Children with Disabilities

... disabilities who are not advancing in grade level. (20 USC 1412 (a)(3)(A), 20 USC 1412 (a)(10)(A)(ii)(I), 34 CFR 300.111, 34 CFR 300.131, 34 CFR ...

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The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 20 United States Code (20 USC) Section 1400 et seq. and related federal regulations, require ...

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California Department of Education (CDE) Compliance

... Progress Updates- Thirty Fourth Update for Case S-0401-20/21 (January 7, 2022) Weekly Assessment Progress Updates- Forty Second Update for Case S-0297-20/21 (January 7, 2022) CDE Submission (January 7, 2022) ...

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