Search: 27, 2015

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January 21, 2016 Board Meeting

... Trip to Carson City, Nevada from February 26 to February 27, 2016 8.1e - Approve C. K. McClatchy High School Field Trip to ...

Board of Education Meeting - Contact the Board of Education Office - - 0 comments

April 21, 2016 Board Meeting

... School Field Trip to Daytona Beach, Florida, from April 27 –May 3, 2016 10.1f - Approve C. K. McClatchy High School ...

Board of Education Meeting - Contact the Board of Education Office - - 0 comments

June 27, 2015 Board Retreat Minutes

... Download Board Retreat/Special Mtg Minutes, June 27, 2015 (Board Document, Agendas & Minutes ...

Board Document - - 0 comments

May 27, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

... Download Minutes of Special Board Meeting, May 27, 2015 (Board Document, Agendas & Minutes ...

Board Document - - 0 comments

Nutritional Services Paper and Tray Products

... Bids must be received prior to 10:01 a.m., on July 27, 2015.  Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked with ...

Bid announcement - - 0 comments

Nutritional Services Canned Fruits and Vegetables

... Bids must be received prior to 1:30 p.m., on July 27, 2015.  Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked with the ...

Bid announcement - - 0 comments

June 27, 2015 Board Retreat Agenda Packet

... Download Board Retreat Agenda Packet, June 27, 2015 (Board Document, Agendas & Minutes ...

Board Document - - 0 comments

June 27, 2015 Board Retreat Agenda

... Download Board Retreat Agenda, June 27, 2015 (Board Document, Agendas & Minutes ...

Board Document - - 0 comments

May 27, 2015 Board Meeting Agenda Packet

... Download Board Packet for the Special Board Meeting, May 27, 2015 (Board Document, Agendas & Minutes ...

Board Document - - 0 comments

May 27, 2015 Board Meeting Agenda

... Download the Special Board Meeting Agenda, May 27, 2015 (Board Document, Agendas & Minutes ...

Board Document - - 0 comments