Attendance Checklist and Letter Template
All Grades

Principal Bulletin Jennifer Kretschman Informational

To our school site leaders,

Our Attendance and Engagement office has provided a toolkit with ideas to decrease chronic absenteeism and promote daily attendance (page 1).

Page 2 is a letter template. Please feel free to use language from this letter in your messaging to families to help reinforce the importance of going to school every day. 

The central communications team is in the process of developing an attendance campaign and will provide assets that school sites can use to participate in the campaign. These assets will be added to your once completed and another communication will be sent to notify you. 

Our pre- and post-COVID data shows a jump from 11.9% chronically absent in 2018-2019 to 35.6% chronically absent in 2021-2022. We know that COVID quarantining played a major role in this data. We also know that perceptions have shifted around the importance of in-person attendance and we can address the perception piece by frequently reminding our families how much it matters.

Thank you for your support!