Back to School Communications
All Grades

Principal Bulletin Informational

To our site leaders,

We are sharing some resources with you that we encourage you to include in your back-to-school communications and/or packets for your school community.

Parent and Student Rights Notification and Standards of Behavior Handbook

The 2023-2024 handbook will be digitally reviewed and signed. You can access the handbook web page which contains the handbook translated into multiple languages here and on that same page, the that must be signed by all families can also be found.

We are printing and distributing flyers for every student that explain the digital handbook. These should get backpacked home at the beginning of the school year. You can also share the flier digitally in your newsletter and on social media; it is in your Principals’ Toolkit folder entitled .

If you’d like to copy/paste the messaging we’re using, here is language you can use:

It is mandatory that you and your student review and sign the Annual Parent & Student Rights Notification and Standards of Behavior Handbook, which is available on our website to read in multiple languages. Use the link on the page or to sign the handbook digitally. It takes most families only 3-5 minutes; please complete this task as soon as possible. The handbook contains a wealth of information to help you throughout the coming school year.

LCFF Application

The LCFF application can be found on our website here. Paper applications were also printed and distributed to sites.

If you’d like to copy/paste the messaging we’re using, here is language you can use:

Families play a critical role in ensuring our Sac City Unified schools are properly funded. Although all students receive free meals regardless of income, the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) application still determines how much funding our district receives. You can help our school community by completing the LCFF application by October 31, 2023. It only takes a few minutes for you to help us protect critical funding for our students!

  • Fill out one application per household, whether or paper, by October 31, 2023. The online application is also available in district supported languages.
  • Include all children and adults living in the household.
  • Families who wish to complete the paper application will receive it in their student’s Back to School packet. Please return the completed application to their school’s front office.
  • Please note that all the information submitted remains strictly confidential.

If you have any questions, please email or visit

LCAP Flyers

We are collaborating with our LCAP Director, Krystal Thomas, and the PAC to demystify the LCAP process and our goals. Updates are coming soon to the LCAP webpage and we’ll be working on some town halls and videos this year.

We’ve also created LCAP flyers in multiple languages which will be delivered to your site in quantities based on students enrolled and by home language spoken. Your office manager will receive a letter with the delivery that explains how to backpack these based on home language spoken. We’re adding these to your toolkit in the as well so you may print on demand or distribute digitally as you see fit.


Lastly, the Comms team made some informational bookmarks that will be delivered to your site. We made four versions and you’ll get 50 of each. We suggest putting them in your school library and office, but feel free to distribute as you see fit. Once you run out, email to request more.

Thank you for all you do, and here’s to a great start to the school year!

Communications Office