Black Parent Involvement Day
All Grades

Principal Bulletin Informational

To our site leaders,

This year’s Black Parent Involvement Day will take place on Tuesday, February 20. 

Black Parent Involvement Day is an opportunity for Black/African American parents and guardians to visit their student’s school, meet their teachers and send a strong message to their student that they want them to succeed academically.

Black Parallel School Board is hosting a virtual parent training for this event on Thursday, February 15 at 6pm. Interested parents and guardians may register for the training session . 

They have also provided our sites with a guide including tips for how to host a successful Black Parent Involvement Day at your school. 

We encourage our site leaders to share information about the virtual parent training session on 2/15 as well as Black Parent Involvement Day on 2/20. The graphic provided by Black Parallel School Board is attached to this page. 

Thank you!