Black Parent Involvement Day 2023
All Grades

Principal Bulletin Informational

Dear Principals,

Black History Month is just around the corner (the whole Month of February). I understand that you have been notified of Black Parent Involvement Day (BPID) on February 21, 2023, so I am writing this personal reminder. BPID, is a day of participation for the whole school community that is meaningful to African American parents and students. This day is an excellent opportunity to have parents visit your school to gain insights into how well it operates and the programs and activities you make available to their children.

As part of the event, we recommend the following activities to support parents visiting your school on the special day:

  1. Send information home and schedule group phone calls to parents informing them of the upcoming event.
  2. Provide a welcoming committee (preferably students) to assist parents in finding classes.
  3. Provide breakfast-to-go and/or lunch for parents and guests.
  4. Provide a lounge for parents or a hospitality room with refreshments, and guest sign-in sheets and name badges.
  5. Present helpful information about your school and tell them how they can become involved as parents.
  6. Provide brochures about your school, sign-up sheets for school committees, Site Council, and an opportunity for parents to share ideas.

For additional activities, please download the attached BPID Activities document. We have also attached a ​​BPID flier that can be duplicated and placed on bulletin boards throughout the campus and classrooms or sent home to parents as reminders. . 

BPSB will also host a Parent Involvement Orientation online on February 16, 2023. This meeting will let our organization speak with participating parents to ensure they know what to expect (including do’s and don’ts) when visiting school campuses.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. 

Sincerely yours,

Darryl White, Chair

Black Parallel School Board