Health Services Updates – Return to Health Updates, OTC testing & Face Masking
All Grades

Principal Bulletin Informational

Testing Before Returning to Work/School & Holidays

At-Home Covid Test kits were distributed to all schools and departments.  Please distribute widely and encourage students, families and staff to pick up a test kit before school starts and test before returning to school. 

Labor Day Weekend – distribute the remaining kits on Friday, Sept 2nd for staff and students to test before returning to school on Tuesday.

Face Masking Strongly Recommended

Face masking is strongly recommended, particularly when gathering indoors in large groups. All gathering spaces must have face masks upon entry. Ensure ventilation is maximized in all work/school spaces. Covid is circulating and spreading across Sacramento County.  Help keep our schools and work spaces disruption free by doing all we can to stop the spread of Covid.

Return to Health Plan Updates

See the updated guidance in the

Extracurricular Event Guidance 

Indoor Extra-Curricular Event guidance will only apply when Sacramento County is in the CDC High community level.  This aligns expectations across our school and workplaces for indoor masking and enhanced mitigation measures. When in the CDC low or medium level face masking is strongly recommended for all extracurricular events and all other standard Covid mitigation measures apply. 

Surveillance testing will be provided for higher risk groups/activities

High-risk groups are those who might be at high risk of severe COVID-19 that could benefit from early identification and treatment. High risk activities are those that involve increased and forceful exhalation which can pose increased risk for spreading and getting COVID-19, particularly if conducted indoors without the use of masks. High risk groups and individuals who participate in high-risk activities such as band, orchestra, drama, choir, athletics, and other related activities are strongly encouraged to participate in regular Covid testing.  A testing day/time will be provided weekly at large high schools and middle schools to support surveillance testing for groups, activities and programs.  Individuals in these groups or activities may also use Over-the Counter (OTC) tests at home.  All OTC tests results should be reported to . )

Report all cases of Covid to - Contact tracers will call all staff or students and provide guidance.  Notices will be provided by the contact tracer and sent out by the site principal to classrooms and groups. No change in this procedure from last spring.