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The results of an inquiry are used by participating teachers and support providers to explore the impact of instruction on student achievement while guiding the participating teachers future professional development. step OneDetermine the focus of the Inquiry Determining what I need to know and be able to doWith your support provider, review the evidence collected prior to the inquiry. Based on the evidence, determine the focus question for the inquiry, taking into consideration your school/district goals and priorities. The following steps are designed to assist in the development of the focus question: Individual Induction Plan (IIP, C-1) Cells 1-4 Review the Assessment of Teaching and Learning and Context for Teaching and Learning Modules. Cell 1: Determine the area(s) for focus. Based on findings from the Initial Self-Assessments (E-2) determine an area of focus Utilize data collected during the Context for Teaching and Learning and the Assessment of Teaching and Learning Modules to determine an area of focus (i.e., assessment, classroom management, equity, and diversity, etc.) Cell 2: Develop a focus question for this inquiry. Focus questions are formulated based on indentified areas for growth Participating teachers may use the reflective questions in the CSTP, located after each element, to identify an open-ended focus question that leads to an in-depth study of teaching practice. Sample 1: One CSTP elementFocus question:How do I develop and use tools and guidelines that help all students assess their work and monitor their learning goals?CSTP 5.5: Involving all students in self-assessment, goal setting, and monitoring progress IPS 6b Universal Access Teaching Special Populations: Creates a positive, inclusive climate for individualized, specialized instruction and assessment of students with special needs and/or abilities. Sample 2: Two or more CSTP elementsFocus question:What links might there be between students behavior and the ways in which I have been addressing their learning?CSTP 2.3: Establishing and maintaining learning environments that are physically, intellectually, and emotionally safe CSTP 1.4: Using a variety of instructional strategies, resources, and technologies to meet students diverse learning needs IPS 6 Universal Access Equity for all Students: Systematically examine personal belief systems and expectations and how they impact student learning and behavior. Cell 3: Which CSTP element(s) will be addressed? After writing a focus question, identify all CSTP elements that are relevant to the focus question Cell 4: What are the anticipated, measurable outcomes for student learning? Considering the focus question to be researched, and potential changes in classroom practice, what are the anticipated, measurable outcomes? Step twoDeveloping the Action Plan Examining research related to my focus question and applying new learning in my classroom During Step Two, participating teachers work with support providers to begin developing their action plan. This plan will document new learning and classroom application. While completing IIP (C-1) cells 5-8, participating teachers document actions taken throughout the inquiry process. IIP (C-1) Cells 5-8 Cell 5: Date of research Record dates for each action taken to support the focus question Cell 6: Research Describe resources such as: Talk with colleague(s) Observe professional colleague(s) Read research related to the focus question Attend workshops/courses Analyze student work Explore Internet resources Observation by a support provider Cell 7: Application Describe how new knowledge was implemented in the classroom Cell 8: Measurable Results After implementation in the classroom, describe evidence of the: Measurable impact on student achievement Impact on my teaching IIP (C-1) cells 5-8 are updated throughout the inquiry process, while IIP cells 9 and 10 serve as the culminating reflection. Step threePreparing for Instruction What do you want students to know and be able to do? How will you know what they know? How will you respond if they dont know? What will you do if they already know it?During this step in the inquiry process, participating teachers identify three focus students and document how instruction is differentiated and student achievement is monitored, throughout the inquiry process. I. Essential Components for Instruction (C-2) Participating teachers, with guidance from their support provider, complete the Essential Components for Instruction to ensure that all lesson components have been considered when designing the lesson series. Address the questions in boxes 1-14. Boxes 1-2 Determine the state-adopted academic content standards and learning goals Box 3 Describe the entry-level assessment Boxes 4-5 Identify summative and progress monitoring assessments Box 6 Identify skills needed for the lesson series using results from the entry-level assessment (C-3 Part 1 and Part 2) Box 7 Review IIP cells 5-8 and describe how you will apply key understandings to this lesson series Boxes- 8-14 Complete all cells with support provider assistance (Should you need additional resources/professional development, review your Context for Teaching and Learning Module or contact your program director for professional development support) Entry Level Assessment (C-3) Administer the entry-level assessment and complete Part 1. Utilize results from Part 1, reflect, and complete Part 2. Identify focus students, plan a lesson series, and make appropriate instructional adaptations. Selecting Focus Students (C-4) Identify three students representing the range of instructional needs in the classroom. The students selected should include: English Learners Special Populations Choice (a student who completes the range of abilities in the classroom) IV. Lesson Series Begins Determine when the support provider will observe one or more of the lessons in the series, related to the focus question. Complete the Lesson Plan Template for Observation (C-5 or a district aligned lesson plan template), prior to the support provider observation of the lesson. Teach the lesson series. Step fourObservation Collecting evidence During this step in the inquiry process, support providers observe their participating teachers. Using the Essential Components for Instruction, teachers design a lesson series that meets the needs of all students. Differentiation of instruction for focus students should be documented and student achievement data collected. Pre-conference Review the completed Essential Components for Instruction (C-2) and corresponding lesson plan (C-5 or district aligned lesson plan). Review information recorded on the Focus Student Selection (C-4). (Use a copy of the seating chart to identify focus students) Determine which lesson in the series is to be observed. Fill in the top portion of the Inquiry Observation Record (C-6) based on your focus questions, selected CSTP, and identified Induction Program Standard(s). Review the Context for Teaching and Learning Module for additional resources. Observation Support providers gather evidence from one lesson within the series, using the Inquiry Observation Record or an alternative observation tool that includes areas for collection of evidence related to: Focus question(s) Selected CSTP Selected Induction Program Standard(s) State-adopted academic content standards for students Three focus students Indicate all CSTP and Induction Program Standards observed in the lesson. III. Post-Observation Conversation Support providers and participating teachers review evidence collected, including: Inquiry Observation Record (C-6) Analysis of Student Work (C-7) After reviewing evidence, use the IIP Action Plan (Cells 5-8) to record how the implemented changes impacted classroom instruction. Step fiveSummative Assessment Analyzing student work to determine next steps for instruction At the conclusion of the lesson series, a summative assessment is given to all students. Participating teachers, with support providers, analyze the work of the three focus students and the whole class, in order to determine student performance levels. Summative Assessment (C-8) Part I Review the summative assessment. Sort student responses into levels of performance. Summative Assessment Reflection (C-8) Part 2 Participating teachers reflect upon the following: Learning goals and outcomes Focus student progress Appropriate intervention Appropriate enrichment Step sixReflection and Application Assessing professional growth over time During this step in the inquiry process, participating teachers and support providers review the evidence collected and return to IIP cells 9 and 10 for a final reflection. Using the Continuum of Teaching Practice (E-1) as a guide, teachers assess their practice in relation to the CSTP and the Induction Program Standards. During the induction experience, all standards will ultimately be addressed. Self-Assessments (E-2 Documents) Review all evidence collected during this inquiry. Use the Continuum of Teaching Practice (E-1) to determine placement on the Self-Assessment of CSTP (E-2.1). Mark all CSTP elements, for which there is evidence, on the Self-Assessment of CSTP (E-2.1) using the Sources of Evidence Codes (found at the bottom of the document). Revisit the Self-Assessment of Induction Program Standards (E-2.5, E-2.6, E-2.6a, E-2.6b) and describe your teaching strengths and challenges based on the evidence. Reflection IIP (C-1) Cell 9 List specific evidence that impacted: Instructional/classroom practices Student achievement Share your learning about: Student development Instructional practice Academic content Yourself as a teacher Application IIP (C-1) Cell 10 A. Describe how new learning will be applied to future practice. 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