ࡱ> BDA (4bjbj 38 8<ZL        ,#u&l. 9. Hg       :(,V,|T } 0 ^.& & `. .  & n:   This form is for your convenience in collecting data for electronic submission. Do not send this form to the state PFT contractor (San Joaquin County Office of Education). School Name SECTION I. STUDENT DEMOGRAPHICS Fill in all information whether student has tested or not. A. Grade: (05, 07, or 09) B. Student Last Name: C. Student First Name: D. Student Middle Initial: E. Gender: (M, F) F. PFT Start Date: (MM) (DD) (YYYY) NOTE: Date of Birth, Statewide Student ID, Ethnicity, Race, Parent/Guardian Highest Level of Education, and eligibility for National School Lunch Program are required and will be provided from the local educational agencys student information system. * * * Continue to Section II if student participates in any test. * * * SECTION II. INDIVIDUAL STUDENT SCORES Fill in all applicable data for each item below. Leave the score blank to indicate that the student did not attempt the test. Only use a zero (0) for test areas where allowed to indicate a test taken with a resulting score of 0. Student Name: ___________________________________________ A. Height and Weight This data is required for One-Mile Run, Walk Test, and Body Mass Index calculations. 1) Height ______ (3 7 ft.) ______ (0 11 in.) 2) Weight ______ (30 400 lbs.) B. Aerobic Capacity (select one test) 1) One-Mile Run Min. ________Sec. _______ 2) PACER (20 meter) Laps _______ (# of laps. Min = 1; Max = 190) 3) Walk Test1 Min. ________Sec. _______ Heart Rate _______ (# of beats per minute. Min = 30; Max = 250) C. Body Composition (select one test) 1) Skinfold Measurement (median number)  Triceps ______ (1  40mm)  Calf ______ (1  40mm) 2) Body Mass Index Height and weight provided in II.A. 3) Bioelectric Impedance/Automated Skinfold Calipers Percent Body Fat3 ___.__ % D. Abdominal Strength 1) Curl-Ups ______ (# of curl-ups. Min = 1; Max = 75) E. Trunk Extensor Strength 1) Trunk Lift ______ (# of inches. Min = 0; Max = 12 in.) F. Upper Body Strength (select one test) 1) Push-Ups ______ (# of push-ups. Min = 1; Max = 75) 2) Modified Pull-Ups ______ (# of modified pull-ups. Min = 1; Max = 75) 3) Flexed-Arm Hang ______ (# of seconds. Min = 0; Max = 90) G. Flexibility (select one test) 1) Back-Saver Sit and Reach (Left and right sides required.) Left Side ______ (# of inches. Min = 0; Max = 12 in.) Right Side ______ (# of inches. Min = 0; Max = 12 in.) 2) Shoulder Stretch (Left and right sides required. Y, if student is able to touch fingertips. N, if student is not able to touch fingertips.) Left Side ______ (Y = Yes; N = No) Right Side ______ (Y = Yes; N = No)  If the student begins, but cannot finish the One-Mile Run or the Walk Test, fill in 59 min. and 59 sec. for the time.  If the 15-meter PACER is administered, these scores must be converted to 20-meter PACER scores.  Percent Body Fat is not the same as Body Mass Index.     2015-16 Physical Fitness Test Sample Student Data Collection Form  PAGE 3 California Department of Education PQ    천ycL/9hThT56B*CJOJQJRH_\]^JaJph-hThTB*CJOJQJRH_^JaJph+hThT5B*OJQJRH_\^Jph%hThLB*OJQJRH_^JphhTB*OJQJRH_^Jph+hLhL5B*OJQJRH_\^Jph(hLhL5B*OJQJRH_^Jph(hLhT5B*OJQJRH_^JphhLB*OJQJRH_^Jph%hThTB*OJQJRH_^JphQ  9 R l ii ,!dhP*$7$8$9DH$gdT ,f!dhP*$7$8$9DH$gdT ,d P*$7$8$9DH$gdT ,dP*$7$8$9DH$gdL  d *$7$8$9DH$gdTd *$7$8$9DH$gdT l   {fJ ,dhPP*$7$8$9DH$gdT$d *$7$8$9DH$a$gdT ,Pd *$7$8$9DH$gdTd (*$7$8$9DH$gdT , dhP*$7$8$9DH$gdT ,`'dhP*$7$8$9DH$gdT , dhP*$7$8$9DH$gdT     7 8 9 j k " \ ^ λycyP@P@P@@hLB*OJQJRH_^Jph%hLhTB*OJQJRH_^Jph+hLhL5B*OJQJRH_\^Jph(hLhL5B*OJQJRH_^Jph,hLhL5B*OJPJQJRHQ^Jph# +hTB*CJ$OJPJQJRHQ^JaJ$ph# %hThTB*OJQJRH_^Jph-hThTB*CJOJQJRH_^JaJph3hThT5B*CJOJQJRH_\^JaJph 9 k ! 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