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Request Placement at a GATE Services School Site

Parents who wish to request a GATE Department facilitated transfer to a school providing self-contained GATE services are invited to do so. Space is limited at some sites, and students will be placed on Wait Lists if the class(es) are already full. 

Requests can be made in one of two ways:

Call the GATE Department at 916-643-9427 for support in completing the webform.

Complete the webform via the following link: 


2023-24 GATE Services Identification Results & Placement
GATE Services Status and Notification Process

GATE screening results and screening assessment scores will be mailed to all families in grades 1 & 3. Student need for GATE services is determined through a multi-step process that includes not only the CogAT results, but also academic factors and social-emotional considerations. 


Strategy & Continuous Improvement Staff

Serna Center, 2nd Floor Box 780
5735 – 47th Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95824

Main Line: (916) 643-9420
Fax:           (916) 399-2040

Wayne Stagnaro
Director III
(916) 643-9420

Jennifer Ellerman
Coordinator III, Assessment
(916) 643-9056

Suzanne McKelvey
Coordinator III, Assessment
(916) 643-9280

Bilal Hasan
Coordinator II
(916) 643-9215

Stephen Ward
Coordinator II
(916) 643-7426