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Phase Two: Distance Learning and Accessibility Tools and Supports

Curriculum & Instruction Two self-paced online learning modules on how to instruct using distance learning and accessibility tools for students with disabilities. ...

Post - Curriculum & Instruction - - 0 comments - Archived

Curriculum & Instruction (Post, Curriculum & Instruction Professional Learning) ...

Post - Curriculum & Instruction - - 0 comments - Archived

Phase Three: Priority Standards for the 2020-2021 School Year

The district has updated scope and sequence documents in math and ELA by grade level/math course for the 2020-2021 school year. These documents outline the required sequence for teachers to follow in each grade level, are focused on priority s ...

Post - - 0 comments - Archived

Principals Bulletin Board

Welcome to our virtual bulletin board for all principals. Fill out the form in our right sidebar to submit bulletins to be posted below.  If you have any questions about bulletins or the biweekly digest, please contact ...

Overview - - 0 comments

(Pod, Child Development Staff Resources) ...

Pod - - 0 comments

Petty Cash Monthly Cal Card Transaction Log

ACC-F007 Download Form (ISO Form, Accounting Services Documents and Bulletins, ISO Directory) ...

ISO Form - - 0 comments

Petty Cash Reconciliation – Long Form (computer enter)

ACC-F006 Download Form (ISO Form, Accounting Services Documents and Bulletins, ISO Directory) ...

ISO Form - - 0 comments

Last Week of Attendance Awareness Month Reminders

All Grades LAST WEEK OF ATTENDANCE AWARENESS MONTH REMINDERS….We are in the last week of Attendance Awareness Month, Push even harder these last few days to STRIVE FOR 95%!&nbs ...

Principal Bulletin - - 0 comments - Archived

Illuminate Education Resources

(Pod, Strategy & Continuous Improvement Staff Resources) ...

Pod - - 0 comments

Professional Learning Opportunities for ELD teachers, EL coordinators/representatives, and general education teachers working with emergent bilingual students

All Grades Dear Principal Colleague, The purpose of this notice is to inform you of the 2023-24 professional learning opportunities available to your ELD teachers, EL c ...

Principal Bulletin - - 0 comments - Archived