Special Project Requests

Special Project Requests

Special Project Request is a way for parents and community organizations to enhance our school facilities for students and staff.  Some of the popular types of projects are gardens and tree planting with the Sacramento Tree Foundation. If you are interested in doing a special project, please submit a completed Special Project Request at least 30 days prior to the design process into Facilities Support Services. All forms being submitted will need the appropriate paperwork, map(s) of project location, and Principal/Site Coordinator’s signature of approval. All required forms are listed below. Starting a project without prior approval can create potential problems and additional fees that your site would be accountable for. Please contact Facilities Support Services, (916) 395-3970, if you have any questions regarding the special project request form, or procedure process.   Step by Step Process for Special Project Requests Steps 1 and 2 have to be completed before step 3 can occur Special Projects Request Form Step 1: Principal Approval/Signature on SPR  FSS-006-»ÆÉ«ÊÓƵ Garden Specifications.pdf Approved Plants and Trees List.pdf Hydration Station Guidelines.pdf Painting/Shed Guidelines (In process of being updated) Step 2: All required documents are filled out and attached to approved/signed SPR FSS-007-Waiver of Property Rights for Artwork.docx (required if having murals, artwork, paintings, etc.) FSS-003-Work Order Estimate Form.docx (Required if cost estimate is being requested from Facilities Support Services) FSS-004-Capital Improv. and Change Costs workorder.pdf (work order job estimate procedure) *If Digital Media/Photograph/Video Internet Authorization release is required, see COM-F004 Once steps 1 and 2 are complete, submit SPR into Facilities Support Services for approval at least 30 days prior to desired start date. Step 3 (To be completed by Facilities Support Services):  FSS-005-Special Project Request PRO.pdf (Step 3 Procedure and beyond)